Food and drink in Boga lake

Arrangements of foods in Boga lake

It should have to be noticed that there is no residential or non- resident hotel, motel or restaurant in Bogalake. So, the tourists or travelers should have to manage their foods, drinks and other stuffs from local tribal communities, they have to pay them for this services which is not too much expensive at all.

Available foods in Boga Lake

The local tribal people consider almost everything that can walks, fly or swim as food, so travelers should have to be damn conscious and investigate to avoid dog meat, dried snakes and other uncommon dishes. Most of the foods cooked by the tribal peoples feel too much hot but extra ordinary delicious to the tourists again, the natural view and supreme tiredness by trekking easily helps the tourist to grasp more and more taste from the local spicy foods of Boga Lake. Dry fishes are most common food item here. Nappy, a semi dried fish paste with powerful flavor is one of the top delicacies.

Dry Foodstuffs

The travelers can manage some dry food stuffs to carry with them to Bogalake, but they should keep in mind that the bags cannot be heavier much because it will create trouble trekking the Boga lake mountainous area. Rather, they should try to keep their travelling bag as light as possible for their betterment of Boga lake tour. Tourists can pack all their necessary stuffs in extra water resistant bag to Boga Lake.

Drinks of Boga Lake

A local rice wine called Arraa is a popular drink. It is often flavored with stone-apples, pineapples and elachi. Other than this coconut juice, tea and normal waters are available here. Tea is a popular drink commonly delicious but server with salt rather than sugar here.

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