Hotel Hill Queen Bandarban

Name of the hotel : Hotel Hill Queen

Address of Hotel : Hotel Hill Queen Bandarban, Powroshova bazar, Bandarban Main Road, Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Contact for Booking : +88 01856699910, +88 01856699911

Hotel Hill-queen

Hotel Hill-queen

Room Types of Hotel Hill Queen :

  • VIP Suite
  • Royal Suite
  • Super Deluxe
  • Deluxe
  • Couple + Couple
  • Couple + Single
  • Couple/Single

Description of the Hotel:

Hotel Hill Queen is situated at Powroshova Bazar, Bandarban Main Road, Chittagong, Bangladesh. There are VIP Suite, Royal Suite, Super Deluxe, Deluxe, Couple + Couple, Couple + Single and Couple/Single room facilities in this hotel. There are AC and Non AC rooms are available in this Hotel. They have a well-decorated conference room with the capacity of over 100 people. Hotel Hill View has their own Restaurant. They provide delicious dishes with Chinese, Thai and Bengali food items at reasonable price. They offer special discount in off season for non AC rooms and group booking for long stay. Check-in time is 12:01pm and checkout time from hotel Hill Queen is at 11:30am.

Services of Hotel Hill Queen Bandarban

• 24 Hours Security Service
• Multilingual Staff
• VIP support
• Medical Service
• Computerized Billing System with Credit Card Settlement
• Timely Check-in / Check-out
• Phone Service with ISD
• Satellite Dish Connection
• Safety Deposit Box
• Hot and Cold Water facilities
• Generator Services
• Conference Room facilities
• Transportation Service

Rent of Room : Price range of Hotel Hill Queen is approximately Tk. 1200-7000/- (BDT).

List of room types and prices of Hotel Hill Queen Bandarban at a glance :

Room Type Capacity (Person) Room Price (BDT)
VIP Suit (2 Rooms) 5 7000 (BDT)
Royal Suit (AC Couple+Couple) 4 3500 (BDT)
Non AC Couple+Couple 4 2000 (BDT)
AC Super Deluxe (Couple+Single) 3 3000 (BDT)
Non AC Couple+Single 3 1800 (BDT)
AC Deluxe (Couple) 2 2300 (BDT)
Non AC Couple 2 1200 (BDT)

** 15% Service Charge will be added to the room tariff.
** Price may vary depending on different factors.

AC Couple+Couple Room

AC Couple+Couple Room

AC Couple Room

AC Couple Room

More info/Contact

For Hotel Booking you can contact with us via phone @ +88 01856699910, +88 01856699911 or email :

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