Hotel River View Bandarban

Name of Hotel : Hotel River View Bandarban.

Address of Hotel : Hotel River View Bandarban, Birbikram Sorok, Islampur, Bandarban sadar ,bandarban, Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Contact for Booking : +88 01856699910, +88 01856699911

Hotel River View

River View Hotel, Bandarban

Room Types of this Hotel :

  • VIP Suite (Couple) AC
  • Royal Suite (2 Rooms) AC
  • Royal Suite(2 Rooms/ Couple + Couple.) Non AC
  • Honeymoon suite (Couple) AC
  • Honeymoon Suite (Couple) Non AC
  • 5 (Single) Bed Room (G. Floor)
  • 4 (Single) Bed Room (G. Floor)
  • 3 (Single) Bed Room (G. Floor)
  • Dormitory

Description of the Hotel

Hotel River View is situated at Birbikram Sorok, Islampur, Bandarban Sadar. Hotel River View Bandarban is spectacularly designed and added with traditional hospitality of courteous, attractive and personalized service and is conveniently located in the heart of the city Bandarban, Chittagong. It offers magnificent facilities and distinctive amenities, such as air-conditioned rooms including, Royal Suites, Deluxe Single, Royal Single, Luxury Twin, and Roof Top Restaurant. Provide delicious dishes with Chinese, Thai and Bengali food items at reasonable price. Offer special discount in off season for non AC rooms and group booking for long stay. Check-in time is 12:01pm and checkout time from Hotel River View is at 11:30am.

Available Services of Hotel River View Bandarban

  • Coffee Shop cum Restaurant
  • Business Center
  • Boat Club
  • Picnic Spot
  • Mini Conference Hall
  • Well Furnished Rooms
  • Running Hot and Cold Water
  • TV in Every Room
  • Room to Room Call Service
  • 24 hrs Room Service
  • Freeze
  • Mini bar
  • For Keen Security 12 CC Camera in all over the Hotel
  • 400 K. W. Generator
  • & Other Amenities Available

Rent of Room : Price range of Hotel River View is approximately Tk. 400-3500/- (BDT).

Some Pictures of River View Hotel











List of room types and prices of Hotel River View Bandarban at a glance :

Room Type Capacity (Person) Room Price (BDT)
VIP Suit (Couple) 2 3500/-
Royal Suite (2 Rooms) AC 4 3000/-
Royal Suite(2 Rooms/ Couple + Couple.) Non AC 4 2200/-
Honeymoon suite (Couple) AC 2 2200/-
Honeymoon Suite (Couple) Non AC 2 1400/-
5 (Single) Bed Room (G. Floor) 5 2000/-
4 (Single) Bed Room (G. Floor) 4 1600/-
3 (Single) Bed Room (G. Floor) 3 1200/-
Dormitory 400/-

** 15% Service Charge will be added to the room tariff.
** Price may vary depending on different factors.

More info/Contact

For Hotel Booking you can contact with us via phone @ +88 01856699910, +88 01856699911 or email :

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