Name of the Transport: S.Alam Paribahan (BUS).
Dhaka to Bandarban S.Alam Bus Fare: (around) TK.620/- (BDT).

S. Alam Paribahan
S.Alam Bus Counter (Dhaka) Phone Number:
- Fakirapul, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: +8802-9331864 - Kamalapur, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: +8802-8315087 - Sayedabad Bus Terminal, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Suritola, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: +8802-9566654 - Gabtoli, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: +8802-9002702
S.Alam Paribahan provides there service Dhaka to many destination including Dhaka to Bandarban. There are AC and Non AC bus services are available in S.Alam Services Limited. If a traveler needs AC Bus, at first he has to go Dhaka to Chittagong then the traveler makes his trip to Bandarban by another non AC bus or he can hire/rent a car from Chittagong. From Fakirapool S.Alam Paribahan leave Dhaka in everyday night. Usually Bus departs from Dhaka at 10:00PM. It may take more or less 8 hours. Cost is now around Tk.550/-BDT.
If a traveler wants to travel by rail/train or air he should go Dhaka to Chittagong first. Dhaka to Chittagong Air and train service is also available. In Air Tourist may travel Dhaka to Chittagong by Bangladesh Biman (Biman Bangladesh Airlines) or GMG Airlines. Dhaka to Chittagong train or rail service is Turna, Nishitha, Mahanagar, Godhuli and Subarna express. It leaves Dhaka from Kamalapur railway station.
Now from Chittagong to bandarban. There are also bus services from Chittagong to bandarban. Buses are leave from Baddarhat terminal of Chittagong. It may take 2-3 hours journey. Purbani, Purobi and Pubali Bus service is available from morning to evening. Chittagong to Bandarban bus is available in every half an hour. From Cox’s Bazar and Rangamati it has direct bus service to Bandarban.
If a traveler wants AC bus service in Dhaka to Bandarban he might go to Dhaka to Chittagong first. In Dhaka to Chittagong AC Bus services are Green line Paribahan, Shohagh Paribahan, Silk Line etc.
Traveler can also travel Bandarban from any other district of Bangladesh. Dhaka to Bandarban bus service is medium quality. In the high tourist season it is good to buy ticket in advance.