Parjatan Motel

Name of Hotel: Parjatan Motel.

Address of Hotel: Parjatan Motel, Meghla, Bandarban, Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Parjatan motel

Parjatan Motel, Bandarban

Room Types and other facilities of this Hotel:

  • Royal AC Suite
  • AC Deluxe
  • AC Twin
  • Non AC Twin
  • Economy Room
  • Conference Hall
  • Restaurant

Number of Rooms in this Hotel: There are 27 different types of room in this hotel.

Rent of Room: Rent range of Parjatan Motel is approximately Tk. 300-4300 (BDT).

Description of the Hotel:
Parjatan Motel is situated at near Meghla Tourist Spot in Bandarban. Distance from Bandarban sadar to Parjatan Motel is about 5 kilometer. Traveler can go there by Bus or Jeep (locally known as “chander gari”). Parjatan Motel is maintained by “Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation”. Total number of rooms in Parjatan Motel is 27. Parjatan Motel has 1 AC Suite, 8 AC Twin, 15 Non AC Twin, 1 Economy Room (10 beds) with 100 seated Conference Hall and 50 seated restaurant. Checkout from this motel at 12PM.

List of room types and prices of Parjatan Motel at a glance:

Room Type Number of Bed Number of Rooms Rent (BDT) Other Facilities
Royal AC Suite (Double Bed) 02 Bed 1 Tk. 4,300.00/-
AC Deluxe Room (Twin Bed) 02 Bed 1 Tk. 2,500.00/- Mini Fridge, Telephone, TV, Hot & Cold water etc.
AC Twin Bed Room 16 Bed 08 Tk. 1,800.00/- TV, Telephone, Hot & Cold water etc.
Non AC Twin Bed 30 Bed 15 Tk. 1050.00/-
Economy Room 10 Bed 1 Tk. 300.00/-
Conference Hall Tk. 10,000.00/- 100 Persons seating.

* 15% Service Charge will be added to the room tariff.
* Price may vary depending on different factors.

More info/Contact
For more information you can contact with us via email:

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Parjatan Motel, 3.6 out of 5 based on 15 ratings

Popular Search Terms

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5 thoughts on “Parjatan Motel

  1. Md. Al-Amin

    Those information is very helpful to tourist. you are also showing patriotism. your such effort introduce Bangladesh to others.

    thanks you so much

    Md. Al-Amin

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  2. Anupama Devnath

    i want to book a room( Non AC -twin bed) for 26 December to 29 December, what i have to do please let me know as early as possible……

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    • BandarbanTours Post author

      You can call us at +880 1197397788 for your booking.

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  3. pappu

    vai amra DU theke 80 jon er 1ta group jete cai….will u please let me the room booking procedure?

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    • BandarbanTours Post author

      Hello Mr. Pappu,

      Thanks for your message and greetings from BandarbanTours.

      Can you please tell us on which dates you want to Book and for Reservation at Bandarban you should come to our office at MoghBazar Mor (opposite of Agora super shop) in Dhaka.

      As it is Rush season now so please confirm As Early As Possible.
      For group of student booking it is must to talk with Faculty Member.
      If you need any kind of information please feel free to call at 01197397788.

      Thank You.
      Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

      Mahmud Hasan Shuvo
      Cell: +880 1197 397788

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