History of the Boga lake

The mythological history of the Boga lake:

The interesting Boga Lake is believed to be created almost 2000 years back. So, it is very natural that the creation of the Boga Lake is considered to relate with some ancient supernatural mythologies. The local inhabitants believe that this Boga Lake and its surroundings have derived from an instant earthquake. Legends mention that there the particular area was the resident of the gods and goddesses of the aboriginal people. But a sudden disaster of a deity who killed (actually ate) the inhabitants of the local Khumi tribal village people. The story did not end there. The deity reappeared in the form of a dreadful dragon and was responsible for the instant earthquake which resulted in the craving of the hillside, disappearing of that village and the formation of the legendary deep Boga Lake.

The present supernatural belief about the Boga lake:

The ancient supernatural beliefs and folktales about the Boga lake is still alive for some strange specialty of the Boga lake at the present time. The Boga lake actually never dries up but there is no source of permanent water supply there because of not having the existence of any particular stream to fall in or out. Again, every year during April- May the transparent water of the Boga-lake becomes muddy. And these characteristics of the Boga lake are nothing but enough to add fuel to flame the fire of supernatural stories ahead.

Experts solution about the Boga lake:

Anthropologists, geologists and chemical experts are trying hard to solve the mystery of Boga lake. The tribal local people still believe that the ancient myth is unsolved. But scholars consider them just as superstitious stories because generally they can not show any strong evidence about the creation of the Boga Lake. Geologists mention about the existence of a dead volcano and the collection of the rain waters in the cave area of that volcano resulted in the creation of the Boga lake. Even the nature of the water and the soil of the Boga lake also support their theory to some extent.

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