Dolphin Services

Name of the Transport: Dolphin Services (BUS).

Dhaka to Bandarban Dolphin Bus Fare: (around) TK.600/- (BDT).

Dolphin Bus Counter (Dhaka) Phone Number:

Motijheel, Dhaka Phone +880-2-9558802

Dolphin Service is the direct bus services from Dhaka to Bandarban. From Fakirapool Dolphin Bus Service leave Dhaka in everyday night. Usually Dolphin Service departs from Dhaka at 10:00PM. It may take more or less 8 hours. Cost is now around Tk.550/-BDT. Route is Dhaka to Bandarban via Chittagong. Dhaka to Bandarban Dolphin Service is Non AC. There are many Bus counter of Dolphin Bus Service in Dhaka. Traveler can buy tickets from Kalabagan, Gabtoli, Mirpur, Fakirapool, Kamalapur and Sayedabad counter in Dhaka.

If a traveler wants to travel by rail/train or air he should go Dhaka to Chittagong first. Dhaka to Chittagong Air and train service is also available. In Air Tourist may travel Dhaka to Chittagong by Bangladesh Biman (Biman Bangladesh Airlines) or GMG Airlines. Dhaka to Chittagong train or rail service is Turna, Nishitha, Mahanagar, Godhuli and Subarna express. It leaves Dhaka from Kamalapur railway station.

Now from Chittagong to bandarban. There are also bus services from Chittagong to bandarban. Buses are leave from Baddarhat terminal of Chittagong. It may take 2-3 hours journey. Purbani, Purobi and Pubali Bus service is available from morning to evening. Chittagong to Bandarban bus is available in every half an hour. From Cox’s Bazar and Rangamati it has direct bus service to Bandarban.

If a traveler wants AC bus service in Dhaka to Bandarban he might go to Dhaka to Chittagong first. In Dhaka to Chittagong AC Bus services are Green line Paribahan, Shohagh Paribahan, Silk Line etc.

Traveler can also travel Bandarban from any other district of Bangladesh. Dhaka to Bandarban bus service is medium quality. In the high tourist season it is good to buy ticket in advance.

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Unique Service

Name of the Transport: Unique Service (BUS).

Dhaka to Bandarban Unique Bus Fare: (around) TK.550/- (BDT).

Saudia Paribahan

Name of the Transport: Saudia Paribahan (BUS).

Dhaka to Bandarban Saudia Bus Fare: (around) TK.550/- (BDT).

Saudia Bus

Saudia Bus Counter (Dhaka) Phone Number:
Arambag, Dhaka – Phone: +88-02-7102465
Gabtoli, Dhaka – Phone: +88-02-8018445
Kalabagan, Dhaka – Phone: +88-02-9124792

Saudia Paribahan provides there service Dhaka to many destination including Dhaka to Bandarban. There are AC and Non AC bus services are available in Saudia Paribahan. If a traveler needs AC Bus, at first he has to go Dhaka to Chittagong then the traveler makes his trip to Bandarban by another non AC bus or he can hire/rent a car from Chittagong.

From Fakirapool Saudia Paribahan leave Dhaka in everyday night. Usually Bus departs from Dhaka at 10:00PM. It may take more or less 8 hours. Cost is now around Tk.550/-BDT.

If a traveler wants to travel by rail/train or air he should go Dhaka to Chittagong first. Dhaka to Chittagong Air and train service is also available. In Air Tourist may travel Dhaka to Chittagong by Bangladesh Biman (Biman Bangladesh Airlines) or GMG Airlines. Dhaka to Chittagong train or rail service is Turna, Nishitha, Mahanagar, Godhuli and Subarna express. It leaves Dhaka from Kamalapur railway station.

Now from Chittagong to bandarban. There are also bus services from Chittagong to bandarban. Buses are leave from Baddarhat terminal of Chittagong. It may take 2-3 hours journey. Purbani, Purobi and Pubali Bus service is available from morning to evening. Chittagong to Bandarban bus is available in every half an hour. From Cox’s Bazar and Rangamati it has direct bus service to Bandarban.

If a traveler wants AC bus service in Dhaka to Bandarban he might go to Dhaka to Chittagong first. In Dhaka to Chittagong AC Bus services are Green line Paribahan, Shohagh Paribahan, Silk Line etc.

Traveler can also travel Bandarban from any other district of Bangladesh. Dhaka to Bandarban bus service is medium quality. In the high tourist season it is good to buy ticket in advance.

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Shyamoli Paribahan

Name of the Transport : Shyamoli Paribahan (BUS).

Dhaka to Bandarban Shyamoli Bus Fare : (around) TK.620/- (BDT).

Shyamoli Bus Services

Shyamoli Paribahan

Shyamoli Bus Counter (Dhaka) Phone Number :

Hotel Plaza Bandarban

Name of Hotel : Hotel Plaza Bandarban.

Address of Hotel : Hotel Plaza Bandarban, Ward No.7, Army Para, Bandarban, Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Phone Number : +88 01856699910, +88 01856699911

plaza bandarban hote;

Hotel Plaza Bandarban

Room Types of this Hotel :

  • Royal Suite
  • Deluxe
  • Couple + Couple
  • Couple + Single
  • Couple
  • Three Single
  • Two Single
  • Single

Rent of Room : Price range of Hotel Plaza is approximately Tk. 1500-7000/- (BDT).

Reception of Hotel Plaza Bandarban

Reception of Hotel Plaza Bandarban

Description of the Hotel

Hotel Plaza is situated at Army Para, Bandarban Sadar in Bandarban. There are VIP, single bed, double/couple bed, triple bed and dormitory facilities in this hotel. There are AC and Non AC rooms are available in this Hotel and total 30 Rooms are fully Air-Conditioned. Total six numbers of persons can accommodate in a room named Dormitory with dish cable connection and common bath room. They have a well-decorated conference room with the capacity of 40-50 persons. Hotel Bandarban Plaza has Restaurant facilitates. They provide delicious dishes with Chinese, Thai and Bengali food items at reasonable price. They offer special discount in off season for non AC rooms and group booking for long stay. Checkin time is 12:01pm and checkout time from hotel Plaza Bandarban is at 11:30am.

Bandarban AC Bed Room

AC Bed Room in Hotel Plaza Bandarban

Bed Room in Hotel Plaza Bandarban

A Bed Room in Hotel Plaza Bandarban

Services of Hotel Plaza Bandarban

• 30 Rooms are fully Air-Conditioned
• 24 Hours Security Service
• Multilingual Staff
• VIP support
• Medical Service
• Computerized Billing System with Credit Card Settlement
• Timely Check-in / Check-out
• Phone Service with ISD
• Satellite Dish Connection
• Safety Deposit Box
• Hot and Cold Water facilities
• Generator Services
• Conference Room facilities
• Transportation Service

List of room types and prices of Hotel Plaza Bandarban at a glance :

Room Type Room Price (BDT)
Royal Suite AC (2 Rooms) 5200/-
Deluxe AC (Couple + Couple Bed) 4025/-
Couple + Couple Bed (Non AC) 2645/-
Couple + Single Bed (AC) 3795/-
Couple + Single Bed (Non AC) 2070/-
3 Single Bed (AC) 3795/-
3 Single Bed (Non AC) 2070/-
2 Single Bed (AC) 3450/-
2 Single Bed (Non AC) 1725/-
Couple Bed (AC) 2645/-
Couple Bed (Non AC) 1495/-
10 Single Bed (1 Room) 4000/-
  • Extra Bed is available in some of the rooms at a cost of single Tk.600.00/- and Double Tk.800.00/- For AC Rooms
  • Extra Bed is available in some of the rooms at a cost of single Tk.500.00/- and Double Tk.700.00/- For Non AC Rooms
  • For Extra Person You have to Pay Tk.500.00 (Non A.C)
  • 15% Service Charge will be added to the room tariff.
  • Price may vary depending on different factors.

More info/Contact

For Hotel Booking you can contact with us via phone @ +88 01856699910, +88 01856699911 or email :

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Hotel Paharika

Name of Hotel: Hotel Paharika.

Address of Hotel: Hotel Paharika, Bandarban, Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Phone Number: +88 01856699910, +88 01856699911.

hotel paharika

Hotel Paharika, Bandarban

Room Types of this Hotel:

  • Single Bed
  • Double Bed
  • Three Bed

Rent of Room: Rent range of Hotel Paharika is approximately Tk. 1200-2200/- (BDT).

Description of the Hotel

Hotel Paharika is situated at Bandarban Sadar in Bandarban. There is single bed, double bed, and triple bed facilities in this hotel. Starting price of a single room in this hotel is around Tk. 1200/- (BDT). Within Tk. 1200-2200/- (BDT) traveler can get a room according to his choice. Traveler can bargain in the off season to reduce the price from the hotel authority. If a traveler rent more than 10 rooms in hotel Paharika he will get discount and in off season traveler will get some discount also. Checkin and checkout time from hotel Paharika is at 12:00 pm.

hotel paharika

Bed Room of Hotel Paharika

hotel paharika bandarban

Hotel Paharika Bed Room

List of room types and prices of Hotel Paharika at a glance :

Room Type Number of Rooms Room Price (BDT) Other Facilities
Single 9 1200/- with attached bath
Couple 9 1500/- with attached bath
3 Bed (Couple) 15 2200/- with attached bath

* 15% Service Charge will be added to the room tariff.
* Price may vary depending on different factors.

More info/Contact

For Hotel Booking you can contact with us via phone. @ +88 01856699910, +88 01856699911 or email: .

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Police Officers Mess

Name of Hotel: Police Officers Mess.

Address of Hotel: Police Officers Mess, Bandarban, Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Room Types of this Hotel :

  • AC Bed
  • Non AC Bed

Rent of Room: Price range of Police Officers Mess is approximately Tk. 900-2250/- (BDT).

Description of the Hotel
Police Officers Mess is situated at Bandarban. There is AC bed and Non AC bed facilities in this mess. They have a nice restaurant name Tajingdong Cafe. Police Officers Mess is maintained by Bangladesh Police.

List of room types and prices of Police Officers Mess at a glance :

Room Type Room Price (BDT)
AC Room 2250/-
Non AC Room 900/-

* Price may vary depending on different factors.

More info/Contact

For Hotel Booking you can contact with us via phone. @ +88 01856699910, +88 01856699911 (2pm-10pm) or email: .

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Popular Search Terms

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Hotel Purbani

Name of Hotel: Hotel Purbani.

Address of Hotel: Hotel Purbani, Bandarban, Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Phone Number: +88 01856699910, +88 01856699911.

Hotel Purbani, Bandarban

Hotel Purbani, Bandarban

Room Types of this Hotel:

  • Single Bed
  • Double/Couple Bed
  • Group Bed

Rent of Room: Price range of Hotel Purbani is approximately Tk. 800-2200/- (BDT).

Description of the Hotel

Hotel Purbani, Bandarban, Bangladesh

Bed Room of Hotel Purbani

Hotel Purbani, Bandarban

Hotel Purbani Bed Room

Hotel Purbani is situated at Bandarban Sadar in Bandarban. There is single bed, double bed, couple bed and group bed facilities in this hotel. Starting price of a single room in this hotel is around Tk. 800/- (BDT). Within Tk. 800-2200/- (BDT) traveler can get a room according to his choice. Hotel Purbani has some packages and they manage all food and accommodation of a group of people. In off season traveler will get 20% discount. Hotel Purbani has their own restaurant and they are able to arrange food and other facilities. Checkin and checkout time from hotel Purbani is at 12:00pm.

List of room types and prices of Hotel Purbani at a glance :

Room Type Number of Rooms Room Price (BDT) Other Facilities
Single 2 800/- with attached bath
Double/Couple 17 1400/- with attached bath
Group Bed 2200/- with attached bath

* 15% Service Charge will be added to the room tariff.
* Price may vary depending on different factors.

More info/Contact

For Hotel Booking you can contact with us via phone. @ +88 01856699910, +88 01856699911 or email: .

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Hotel Ajmir

Name of Hotel: Hotel Ajmir.

Address of Hotel: Hotel Ajmir, Bandarban, Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Phone Number: +88 01856699910, +88 01856699911.

Room Types of this Hotel :

  • Single
  • Couple/Family
  • 3 Bed
  • 4 Bed
  • Dormitory
    • Number of Rooms in this Hotel: There are more than 14 rooms in Hotel Ajmir.

      Rent of Room: Rent range of Hotel Ajmir is approximately Tk. 600-2250 (BDT).

      Description of Hotel Ajmir
      There is single bed, double bed, triple bed, four bed, couple bed and dormitory facilities in this hotel. Total number of rooms in this hotel is more than 14. Hotel authority is able to manage extra facilities like guide service and they can manage breakfast, lunch and dinner for travelers. If the Traveler or Visitor seeks for reasonable hotel in Bandarban then Hotel Ajmir will be one of the best choices. Starting price of a single room is only Tk. 600 (BDT). Hotel Ajmir is very cheap hotel in Bandarban. In off season traveler will get the hotel room at 20% less from total price. Checkin and checkout time from this hotel at 12pm.

      List of Room Types and Prices of Hotel Ajmir at a glance:

      Room Type Number of Rooms Room Rent (BDT) Other Facilities
      Single 2 Tk. 600/- With attached bath
      Couple/Family 6 Tk. 1200/- With attached bath
      3 Bed 1 Tk. 1800/- With attached bath
      4 Bed 2 Tk. 2250/- With attached bath
      Dormitory 6 Tk. 1200/- Common bath

      * 15% Service Charge will be added to the room tariff.
      * Price may vary depending on different factors.

      More info/Contact

      For Hotel Booking you can contact with us via email: or phone. @ +88 01856699910, +88 01856699911 .

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      Popular Search Terms

      hotel 4 star bandarban (49)


Resort Type: Dormitory.

Address of Resort : Hill Side Resort, Milonchori, Bandarban, Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Phone Number: +88 01856699910, +88 01856699911.

dormitory cottage milonchori

Dormitory Cottage, Milonchori, Bandarban

Description of the Resort
The Dormitory is located close to the hillside resort gate. Dormitory is for student or group of peoples up to 15 pax. It is economic and cheap accommodation. It is cost only Tk 900/- for each bed.

** Extra bed will be available in some of the rooms at a cost of Tk 1000/- each.
**15% service charge will be added to the room tariff.
**Price may vary depending on different factors.

More info/Contact

For Hotel Booking you can contact with us via email: or phone. @ +88 01856699910, +88 01856699911.

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